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Alchemist Gems Review - Supplements Efficiency List

SCORE: 158%

Alchemist Gems offer the highest vibration jewelry on the planet with custom-made rings for men and women, earrings, as well as a high quality selection of special oils and supplements from various Grand-Masters across Asia, energy readings and more.

REVIEW: These are our products, and from an objective perspective, they are ranking extremely well. We are focused on offering products from Eastern grand-masters that aren't available in the West. Still, some products like Crown Chakra oil and Reishi syrup are not for everyone and thus need to be tested for each person.

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There are many different factors to consider for the efficiency of a supplement product: nutrients in the soil, plant Qi accumulation from nature, compound extraction, Qi extraction, vibration, and your body's ability to integrate both the physical compounds and the Qi.

Explanations / How to read energies View raw readings

Product Benefits Side-Effects Integration Variance Vibration Score
Natural Cordyceps Oil 373 112 273 110 214 216
Reishi Hyper-C 373 112 268 96 226 215
Snow Fungus Hyper-C 373 112 273 110 130 199
Chaga Hyper-C 373 105 273 108 121 196
Lion's Mane Hyper-C 181 110 226 110 119 149
Moxa-6 Spagyric Tincture 117 107 124 110 119 115
Cordyceps Hyper-C 122 106 121 110 117 115
Immunity oil 115 91 121 110 113 110
Daoist Crown Chakra oil 111 107 111 98 115 108