How to Read Energies

Energy readings have been a core part of our methodology for years. Reading energies is nothing new. If you search "aura reader", you will find tons of people offering to read your aura.

Where our methodology distinguishes itself is in the objectivity and application of the energy readings. Our Supplements Efficiency List and Book Accuracy List are prime examples of how this methodology can be applied in real life.

Energetic Literacy

Literacy definition: "Literacy is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of learning in enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge and potential, and to participate fully in their community and wider society. Generally, literacy also encompasses numeracy, the ability to make simple arithmetic calculations."

Energetic literacy is the ability to read and interpret energies and auras. There are 3 phases to it. Let's take a newspaper. First, literacy requires you to physically have the ability to see. In the case of energetic literacy, this means having your third eye functional. Second, literacy requires the ability to understand the symbols written in the newspaper, and how they form patterns into words. If you take a Chinese newspaper, chances are, you'll be able to see it but not read it. You need knowledge and experience to interpret the various base patterns. Third, you must have sufficient knowledge to interpret the context and meaning. If you read a legal document, or a text from 300 years ago, chances are that you'll have a very hard time understanding the real intent of the author and the subtleties. The same applies to energetic literacy.

Writing into the energetic fields in a precise and conscious manner is beyond the scope of this document.

Objective vs Subjective Energy Readings

If you hear something and say "this doesn't feel right", that's a subjective intuitive or psychic perception. If you say "this is 45.7% accurate with 2.7% distortion", that's an objective reading. If an aura reader tells you that your heart feels stuck because of baggage from past lives, that's an objective reading. If I tell you that your heart chakra is 12.4% functional, 5.2% connected to God, and your heart's physical health is 32.7%, that's an objective reading.

You can obtain a lot more actionable information from objective data. Objective readings are also a lot less vulnerable to distortions and interference. Then, subjective readings or intuitive interpretations can provide additional context and information.

Levels of Energetic Literacy

There are multiple levels to energetic literacy that go from beginner to very advanced. Although this document is only meant as an introduction, here are the various levels. Experience at one level will eventually and naturally lead to the next level.

Energy Reader: You are apt at reading energies and auras, generally at a personal or individual level. This includes self-awareness and the ability to diagnose physical and emotional health issues for clients.

Astral Investigator: You can investigate various topics by asking a series of precise questions, beyond the individual self. You're able to detect and neutralize distortion for sensitive topics covered in veils. News becomes mostly obsolete as you can tap into the planetary field and see news for yourself. You seek the truth.

Astral Warrior: You're aware of the various astral forces impacting your life, your environment and your world. You know how to alter the various astral fields to heal, create and protect. You developed a solid connection with God that guides you forward, and you take a strong stance in healing and protecting yourself and those around you. You seek freedom and peace for all. When demons invade your space or your community, you say: sorry, not under my watch. Astral Warriors have been put to the ultimate test between 2019 and 2024.

Warning: Anyone who has been very popular between 2019 and 2024 without facing massive opposition has been approved by big demons. They are not who they appear to be. There are many impostor "astral warriors" out there who are in fact puppets of demonic forces. Energetic literacy will allow you to discern them.

Kinesiology Explained

Kinesiology, also known as muscle testing, is a popular energy reading methodology. It is based in the fact that a true statement makes you feel stronger and more alive than a false statement.

There are many different ways of doing muscle testing. Here's my favorite method:

  1. Form a ring with your thumb and 2nd or 3rd finger on each hand.
  2. Place both rings into each other and pull slightly.
  3. Say "yes" or a true statement and pull your hands apart from each other until the rings break.
  4. Say "no" or a false statement and pull your hands apart from each other until the rings break.
  5. Adjust the finger pressure keeping the rings closed so that it stays closed with "yes" and breaks open with "no".
  6. Test with a few yes or no questions.

Reading more complex questions

  1. Ask a question such as "what is my biological age", with finger rings within each other.
  2. Ask "is it higher than" and count 1, 2, 3... until 10 and see if your fingers break.
  3. Count 10, 20, 30, etc. If it breaks at 30, then count 21, 22, 23... until 30. You can then count 24.1, 24.2, 24.3, etc.
  4. Measure how much distortion there is on your reading in %, using the same method. You can also measure how much distortion there is on your distortion reading, and how much distortion there is on that reading. We've seen cases where we had to measure 6 times or more before detecting distortion in the distortion readings. Demons can be very cunning.

Misconceptions about Kinesiology

Misconception #1: Kinesiology only works for individual stuff. If you tune within, you'll hear and feel your own emotions. As you heal and clear those emotions and mental chatter, you get into an increasingly peaceful state. At some point, you'll realize that the emotions you feel do not belong to you anymore, but are part of the collective consciousness. The more you silence your mind and your heart, the more you can see others from within yourself. You can access the entire Universe from within yourself, as everything is connected. Thus, kinesiology can also tap into that.

It is easier to start with individual questions such as "what % is this product good for me", "what % is it bad" and "what % do I need it", but this method is definitely not limited to personal questions.

Misconception #2: Kinesiology is unreliable. Some people will say that kinesiology is unreliable because various people will get different answers to the same question, and it is susceptible to cultural and individual bias. Indeed, there can be distortion, either because of internal or external issues, but you can also detect and measure that distortion. By measuring the distortion on your reading, you can tell the amount of trust that can be put in that reading. Certain topics, such as "Secret Space Program", has massive veils and distortion and is extremely difficult to read. You can at least measure the distortion and know that it's not a topic you can clearly look into. This makes the method reliable.

Furthermore, your readings are only good for yourself. I often end articles with an "accuracy check", to measure the margin of errors in the text, along with a distortions check. However, I don't impose that reading onto anyone as being the absolute truth. Instead, I tell them to measure for themselves, with a link to an article explaining how to do it.

Also note, that in all the years of applying this methodology, I have never seen any content that is either 100% or 0% true. It's always somewhere in-between. Even for yes or no questions, such as "should I move to Florida", I'll measure "87.2% yes" instead of a simple yes. Anything above 50% means yes.

Applications of Kinesiology

Accuracy checks: As we live in a world inundated with misinformation and partial truths, being able to measure the accuracy of any article, book, text, statement or video is an absolute game-changer. You can then go over a text, paragraph by paragraph, to detect where the inaccuracies lie. Most "good" content is 60-80% accurate. I'd recommend to focus your energy on content that is 90%+ accurate. With time and experience, I could publish content with 95%+ accuracy, and now usually with 99%+ accuracy.

Warning: The closer you get to the truth, the weirder things get.

Note: It is easier to measure accuracy of a book or video that you know nothing about, before reading or watching it, as you'll have no pre-conceived ideas or mental chatter that could cause distortion.

Vibration reading: You can measure the energy level of anything, on the Hawkins Scale. Hawkins originally developed a scale between 0 and 1000 where 0 represents death, 100 is barely getting by, 300 is reason, 400-500 is love and 700+ is Enlightenment. He was measuring specifically for "state of consciousness", which is a good application, but you can also apply it to measure the vibrational level of anything. The energy is also not limited to 0 and 1000, as demonic and destructive forces can go far into the negative, and God-aligned forces can peak into the trillions and even infinity. 1000 is very limited compared to infinity. I use the Hawkins Scale but still can't exactly tell what 1000 exactly means. And what does 1 billion means? Such questions are not really useful for the application of the scale. Just know that higher values are good, and lower values are bad.

Keep in mind than when measuring vibrational levels, you are always only measuring an average. If you measure your own vibrational level, you'll measure the half of yourself that you are conscious of that is pretty good. If I measure your vibration, I will also see your shadow and all the aspects that are out of your sight, and will have to average the good and the bad. It thus takes a lot of experience to measure a broad average, and is quite frankly not very useful. This is why the followers of David Hawkins' method often stayed stuck: their readings were too broad to have actionable data to work with.

Instead, you can measure a series of specific aspects in your field, such as the health of your central column, what % of your money consciousness is below 0, what % each of your chakras are aligned with God, what % is your heart and crown connected to God, what % of your beliefs are true, what % of your beliefs and behaviors are serving you, etc. This is what I do with Soul Alignment Reading, God & Money Reading, and the FREE Gemstone Reading.

Food & Supplements: At the supermarket, most of the food is toxic. You can measure what % is each product healthy for you, and try to stick to 80%+. Wheat and many harvests are spread with a massive amount of roundup before harvest. You can measure what % is the level of Roundup above safe levels... for bread, 15x is good, avoid 60x. Better yet, stick to Italian flour where such practice is illegal.

For supplements, measure what % it is good for you, what % it is bad for you, and what % you need it. Take it if it has high value, and you actually need it, with low side effects. Get rid of everything else. That's what we did for most supplements in the Supplements Efficiency List.

Advanced Energy Readings

Detecting Impostors: There are many false prophets and impostors around. Here's how to detect them: measure their "core intent" on the Hawkins Scale. I define a Lightworker as someone with a core intent above 8000, but a real Astral Warrior should have at least a billion, both above ground and below ground. If you can't get a clear reading, or if it's covered in veils, that's always a big red flag. The core intent should be as clear as water.

Beyond Kinesiology: For more advanced practitioners, it is possible to pull the numbers from the astral much faster without muscle testing. You ask a question and take the first number that pops into your mind. I'm thus able to pull a large amount of readings very quickly. When I doubt, you can then use muscle testing to validate those readings. It's always good to double-check and triple-check.

Eliminating personal bias: One great method to eliminate personal bias is to work with other advanced practitioners. You validate their readings and they validate your readings. Otherwise, there's the tendency for people to create their own reality and paradigms and not realize that it doesn't apply for everyone. By having others share their perspective and counter-validate your readings, it almost entirely eliminates this bias. Advanced hint: what you are ready may apply to the timelines you are in, while the other person is in an entirely different timeline.

Clearing distortion: You will need to learn healing skills to clear distortions, which is beyond the scope of this document. Certain techniques are good, but honestly, the best techniques lie within your own soul. You need connect with your own soul power to develop your own unique ways of working with energies and healing.

Final Thoughts

The quality of the answers depend on the quality of the questions. This is a science of learning to ask the right questions.

Your mental focus delimits the target, and the question will measure against that target. You must thus learn to improve the focus of the target within your mind, and improve the quality and specificity of the questions. These are the two essential skills of a good Astral Investigator.

Accuracy check: 99.94%, distortion 0.3% (measure it yourself!)

You may want to check out our various high-vibration gemstones and rings, and your special herbal extract formulas.