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Vibrant Health Review - Supplements Efficiency List

SCORE: 47%

REVIEW: Extremely rich in compounds! But your body can't digest and integrate it. It causes over-heating in the system. What a waste...

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There are many different factors to consider for the efficiency of a supplement product: nutrients in the soil, plant Qi accumulation from nature, compound extraction, Qi extraction, vibration, and your body's ability to integrate both the physical compounds and the Qi.

Explanations / How to read energies View raw readings

Product Benefits Side-Effects Integration Variance Vibration Score
Maximum Vibrance 80 87 3 92 61 47
Spectrum Vibrance 80 91 2 92 60 47
Joint Vibrance 78 94 1 90 60 46
Green Vibrance 80 87 2 92 59 46