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Omnilife Review - Supplements Efficiency List

SCORE: 65%

Established for more than 30 years and operates globally in Latin America, Eurasia and North America via founder, Jorge Vergara. As well as a wide range of food supplements/superfoods/drinks such as Thermogen Coffee containing a mixture of coffee and chrome, Aloe Beta drink, Optimus, and Cafezzino Plus, OMNILIFE also offers make-up, fragrances, haircare and skincare.

REVIEW: Products are above average with high variance. Some products are better than others, and some people react better than others to side-effects.

Company website

There are many different factors to consider for the efficiency of a supplement product: nutrients in the soil, plant Qi accumulation from nature, compound extraction, Qi extraction, vibration, and your body's ability to integrate both the physical compounds and the Qi.

Explanations / How to read energies View raw readings

Product Benefits Side-Effects Integration Variance Vibration Score
Aloe Piña 70 102 81 81 71 81
OML Plus 70 81 81 40 71 60
Ego Life 63 82 81 39 71 59
Kolina 60 87 70 39 70 58