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Legendary Milk Review - Supplements Efficiency List

SCORE: 77%

REVIEW: These products are quite decent. 82% need/integration of 300% benefits. Got to be careful about side-effects though.

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There are many different factors to consider for the efficiency of a supplement product: nutrients in the soil, plant Qi accumulation from nature, compound extraction, Qi extraction, vibration, and your body's ability to integrate both the physical compounds and the Qi.

Explanations / How to read energies View raw readings

Product Benefits Side-Effects Integration Variance Vibration Score
Liquid Gold 73 86 71 84 71 77
Sunflower Lecithin 72 87 71 83 71 77
Milkapalooza 74 81 72 86 72 77
Pump Princess 72 86 71 83 71 77