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Designs for Health Review - Supplements Efficiency List

SCORE: 17%

Designs for Health has been the healthcare professional's trusted source since 1989. Offers a range of top quality, reliable and efficacious dietary supplement products for all ages on all health needs such as liver/detoxification, including antioxidants/herbal formulas. Also, supplements such as multi-vitamins, minerals, immunity health products and general energy snacks with chocolates and gummies for children and adults alike.

REVIEW: Some products are garbage, while others at least do something. In either case, the quality isn't great.

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There are many different factors to consider for the efficiency of a supplement product: nutrients in the soil, plant Qi accumulation from nature, compound extraction, Qi extraction, vibration, and your body's ability to integrate both the physical compounds and the Qi.

Explanations / How to read energies View raw readings

Product Benefits Side-Effects Integration Variance Vibration Score
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine 39 82 9 45 0 28
Whole Body Collagen 39 82 8 45 0 28
Vitamin D Supreme 0 87 0 0 0 7
Berberine Synergy 0 87 0 0 0 7