Wild Cordyceps Oil

Wild Cordyceps Oil

Found only in the Himalayas and worth more than gold per gram, Cordyceps Sinensis, also known as "Himalayan Viagra" is the world’s most valuable fungi. For centuries, this rare and precious ingredient has been a critical component of traditional Chinese medicine, with historical texts dating back over two thousand years.

Our supplier is a Burmese fungi master with 2000-year-old ancestral knowledge on how to extract the essence from plants and mushrooms; knowledge you do not find in the West. Furthermore, we asked him to produce 3x the concentration of what he normally sells! This is a hyper-concentrated oil with by far the best extraction method I've seen anywhere. One single drop directly on the tongue is enough to feel the effect.

Wild cordyceps comes from the Burmese side of the Himalayan mountains. Harvesting requires a 7-day trek through the Himalayas! For a cheaper alternative, see farm-grade cordyceps.

Who is this for?

Anyone doing Qigong, Yoga, meditation, martial arts or any other practices to help integration. Type 2 diabetes patients. Sport injury patients with inflammation.

Anyone who got jabbed, has been around jabbed people, or has family members who got jabbed.

Benefits of Wild Cordyceps Oil *

  • Amazing anti-inflammatory
  • Increase energy and stamina for exercise
  • Anti-aging properties
  • May Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes
  • Wild cordyceps is a LOT more potent!

According to muscle-testing, wild cordyceps oil is 93.2% effective against micro blood clots and 87.2% effective against graphene! This will vary for each person. See this article for more details.

Cordyceps farm syrup has at most 25% in common with powder you find in the West, due to the special extraction method. Wild cordyceps have at most 5% in common. If I try to measure what % it is better than Western cordyceps powder, I get no clear answer. It's just totally different.

If you put cordyceps powder in hot water and drink it, you get 0.5% of its benefits. If you keep it in slow fire for 4 hours, you get about 20%. With the special extraction method, you get 100% in the oil and syrup.

How to use

Place one drop directly on your tongue in the morning and one drop in the afternoon.

A bottle of 30ml should have around 600 drops and last about 10 months.

Keep in the fridge after opening.

Adverse effects?

Safe for most people. It might cause mild side effects such as diarrhea, constipation, and stomach discomfort. It can be safer to reduce dosage by half during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stop 2 weeks before any surgery. Avoid if you have autoimmune disease.

Recommended Age: 5+

Price: $500 for 30ml

Accuracy check of the information: 99.2%, distortion 0.2% (measure it yourself).

Also see: Cordyceps Syrup Hyper-C. Farm-grade or wild? Wild oil is a lot more concentrated. Hyper-C Syrup has a slower effect, and wild is much quicker. Daily usage of 250ml Hyper-C Syrup lasts 4 months. 30ml of wild oil lasts 10 months, with 2 drops per day. It's a matter of preference. Hyper-C Syrup can be a softer energy for your environment to integrate.



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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drugs Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult with your physician before using if pregnant, nursing, or taking medications. Keep out of reach of children.