Which Fingers Should I Wear Gemstones On?

Some gemstones work better on some fingers than others. It's important to pay attention to where you place them.

Although you can find information online or in books about which stone goes on which finger, or calculate your astrology chart, the way I look at it is simple.

Fingers from small to thumb represent: Communication, Support, Spine, Action, and Grounding. Your dominant hand is the outgoing energy, and the other hand is the incoming energy.

Thus, placing a small gold ring on the small finger of your secondary hand is really great to help with incoming communication and to receive more support and resources. Placing a black onix on your middle finger (spine), however, is way too strong and will just create brutal energetic clashes. Spine (middle finger) requires softening (Blue Topaz or Aquamarine) on the receiving side, and integration (Amethyst) on the outgoing side.

However, everybody's needs are different. We offer FREE Gemstone Compatibility Reading to measure which stones will help you best. Then, if you're interested in a gem, I measure what % it is good on each finger from left pinkie to right pinkie. That way you know exactly what to wear and where.



Many people are looking for their birthstones. As a reference, here are the birthstones for each month. Those we have available are in bold.

  • January: Garnet
  • February: Amethyst
  • March: Aquamarine and Bloodstone
  • April: Clear Quartz and Diamond
  • May: Emerald and Chrysoprase
  • June: Pearl, Alexandrite and Moonstone
  • July: Ruby and Carnelian
  • August: Peridot, Spinel and Sardonyx
  • September: Sapphire and Lapis Lazuli
  • October: Opal and Tourmaline
  • November: Yellow Topaz and Citrine
  • December: Blue Topaz, Tanzanite, Turquoise and Zircon

To know more about all the stones and their effects and properties, a very good book is The Book of Stones.

* We can find most other natural gem types upon request


For a wedding ring, keep in mind that a diamond, although it helps with clarity and focus, can also cause stubbornness. That's one reason why a lot of relationships die after the wife starts wearing a diamond. If you have this issue, try taking it out for a month and see what happens. Replace/complement the diamond with a pink sapphire and see what happens.


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