Benefits of Alchemist Gems Jewelry

Craft your perfect ring to strenghten and stabilize your energy.

We offer quality gemstones on hand-crafted rings at a very affordable price. They serve as energetic stabilizers, amplify your healing powers, and help anchor the cosmic energies into the physical plane.

Good jewelry can last 100 years. We do not offer plating which degrades quickly.

We offer the highest-vibration jewelry on the planet to strengthen you from within and make you more radiant than ever.

With our special attunement process, the gemstones auto-clean themselves continually!

Our jewelry are

  • Low cost (on lab-made gems)
  • Durable (no plating)
  • High quality (both gems and crafting)

What are the benefits of wearing an Alchemy Ring?

  • It will raise your frequency, since the rings are attuned into very high heaven energies.
  • You will have more inner strength and vitality.
  • It will protect you by offloading energetic pressure and attacks onto the rings.
  • It will help heal specific areas of your life, since each crystal or gemstone has specific healing properties, amplified by the attunement.
  • It will help stabilize timelines. Reality is fragmented into endless timelines due to the astral war, and it's like navigating a minefield labyrinth of parallel realities.
  • It will give you a direct anchor to God.
  • You will look gorgeous :)

What to look for when buying a ring with a gemstone?

In terms of energetic properties, there are 3 main factors to look for in a crystal: size, purity, and number of facets. Large clear gemstones are thus perfect for this. The gemstone type is also important, but the style and design aren't. From an energetic perspective, you don't need museum-grade crystals.

It is very important for the stone to touch the skin!! If you look for cheap rings on Amazon or Etsy, you will notice that they are designed to look good from the outside, but they will not touch your skin.

Natural gems or lab-created gems?

Most of the gemstones we offer are lab-created unless stated otherwise. The main critic towards lab-created gems is that they are too "pure", but from an energetic perspective, this can in fact make them stronger. Lab-created gems will also normally feel "dead", but once attuned, they can be 8 to 15% more effective than natural gems.

Natural gems, on the other hand, are more rooted in nature for having a natural point of origin. This matters for some people, especially for advanced energy work. When doing gemstone readings, there is sometimes huge benefits to a natural gem, usually both natural and lab-created rank equally, and in some cases lab-created ranks higher. It depends on many factors.

There are lots of fake gemstones on the market. We make sure rubies energetically behave like rubies. Furthermore, some lab-created gems carry bad energies or are just dead. We hand-select each gem one by one to ensure they behave as expected.

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